A cloud storage service that wants to disrupt the industry and make a name for itself in this tech space.
Design Roles
UX Design
Visual Design
Brand Consistency
Design Deliverables
User Surveys
Competitive Analysis
Concept & Identity
User Stories & Flows
Paper Prototype
User Testing
Visual Design
8 weeks
Tools & Software
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Usability Hub
What is Nimbus?
The cloud storage industry is still growing. It’s a great time to jump into this ever-expanding technology and innovate on the ideas that could be expressed in the cloud storage space. This is where Nimbus comes in. Nimbus wants to rethink how cloud storage works and do the job most efficiently.
The challenge
Find the right combination of features for a cloud service to meet the needs of the clients audience. To find what is different about Nimbus that user will gravitate towards instead of one of the competitors.
The solution
We created a solution where the user can upload files, share, and organize files. For future state, we would like to allow editing of both word documents, and image files.
Discovery Phase
User Interviews
I wanted to make sure I understood where the user was coming from for cloud storage needs. So I asked many questions, but these are a few:
What are the advantages of using cloud storage?
What bothers you about the current service you use?
What do you love about the current service you use?
What are important features for a cloud service platform?
What do you primarily use the cloud storage for?
I interviewed 24 different users from different parts of the country.
wanted to access the app from desktop too
strongly wanted to share files with others
liked cloud storage to use from several different computer
Jared | Personal User
“I’m so glad I don’t have to carry USB drives anymore. Having my files available to me anywhere makes life so much easier.”
Age: 25-34
Occupation: Non-tech
Location: Mid-sized city
Gender: Male
Tier: Intermediate
Wants to seamlessly access his cloud from any device.
Share documents with friends.
Live connected to his most important documents at a click of a button.
Doesn’t want to pay a lot for the service.
Would like a general place to store screenshots, links, and found things.
Wants the cloud service to be secure.
Ashley | Work User
“Everyone loves working with this service so we don’t have to email files. There is no need to know which files are the most recent.”
Age: 25-34
Occupation: Tech
Location: Metropolitan Area
Gender: Female
Tier: Expert
Wants access to her files within any country.
Needs her job to approve the security of the platform.
To not be stressed that other people won’t have access to the files in her Cloud service.
Doesn’t want everyone to move files around, this will cause confusion.
Would like to know that if a file gets deleted, she can recover it.
Wants the cloud service to be secure.
Competitive Analysis
Quick call to action
Marketing towards sharing
It’s a safe place
Any file type can be uploaded
Selling to a younger crowd
Easy to navigate
No pricing on homepage
This market is saturated
gSuite can be confusing to new-comers
Well known company may be
perceived as more trustworthy
Unique marketing tactics used in the past of requiring an invitation to use
Competitors copying features
Market is saturated
Many gSuite things could confused the brand
Short and sweet
Marketing towards business use
It’s easy and fast, convenient.
Clear CTA at bottom of page
No pricing on homepage
This market is saturated
Newer to the market
Smaller target market
Not as many features as competitors
Marketing towards multitaskers
Focusing is important
Team and individual focused
No pricing on homepage
This market is saturated
Seems a little complicated
Lots of options in the platform
Versatile and can be used many different ways
Plugins that work with it
Market is saturated
Maybe too complicated for quick conversion
Logo Design and Branding
Color Pallete
Final Logo
Visual Language
Typefaces & Icons
User Flows and User Stories
When starting the project it was important to come up with the most important user stories to address for the most viable product (MVP). I made a spreadsheet with all of the user stories and then put them in order of importance to help define the scope of the project.
High Priority New User Stories
As a new user I would like to sign into the app with a username and password
As a new user I would like the features of the app to be clear before signing up
As a new user I would like access to FAQ's
As anew user I would like access to pricing information before I sign up
Low Priority New User Stories
As a new user I would like the ability to sign up through facebook or google sign on
As anew user I would like to be prompted to download the desktop app
High Priority Returning User Stories
As a returning userI would like a mobile way to upload files to the cloud service.
As a returning userI would like organizing that content using things like categories, tags, groups, and/or folders.
As a returning userI would like sharing a single .jpg .png .doc .pdf .ai .psd .indd .mov .wav with someone else (and vice-versa)
As a returning userI would like sharing a folder or group of items with someone else (and vice-versa)
Low Priority Returning User Stories
As a returning user I would like connecting with other users for real-time collaboration in notes or documents.
As a returning user I would like to be able to organize my items by drag an drop means to folders
As a returning user I would like to be able to create word documents, spreadsheets, presentations, sketches and forms with the platform.
As a returning user I would like a way to backup my computer easily.
As a returning user I would like a way to backup only specific files and folders on my computer or device.
As a returning user I would like to create files from within the platform.
As a returning user I would like to edit photos within the platform.
Lo-FI Wireframes
Hi Fi Mockups
User Testing
I did preference tests, user interviews, and user tests to figure out what users first impressions would be. My biggest takeaways were that the button should be blue with white text, instead of yellow with white text, and that the main color shouldn’t be orange, but rather blue. I had originally thought orange because orange implies creativity and energy, but blue implying trustworthiness and calmness went over better with users.
When starting the project it was important to come up with the most important user stories to address for the most viable product (MVP). I made a spreadsheet with all of the user stories and then put them in order of importance to help define the scope of the project.